
I'm Chris, freelance content creator and owner of Sophical Content, a blog dedicated to helping aspiring freelancers reach their financial goals. I also offer freelance SEO consultancy services from ChrisHannaSEO.com.

I began my freelance writing career alongside my studies at university, and from there I took on various writing, editing, and content management roles that allowed me to do it all full-time!

I run the Sophical Content website in an effort to pass on some of the knowledge I've gained along the way, and I do more of the same here on Medium, with a focus on helping beginners in the realms of freelancing, writing, and general money making.

If you want to keep up to date with everything I share here, be sure to join my email newsletter.

Chris Hanna

Chris Hanna

Creator and owner of Freelance Ready (freelanceready.com) and ChrisHannaSEO (chrishannaseo.com). Posting guides for beginner writers and freelancers.